
Monday, June 16, 2014

cherry picker

My dad tricked me into being the "cherry picker" by telling me that it would make a good work snack. Who does that? I probably have bugs all over in my hair. But I guess it was worth it. Cherries are practically coming out our ears.

Let's talk about this weekend. It actually turned out to be a wonderful one. I have to admit that I was a little bit down and skeptical at first because my lovely family was leaving me stranded here all alone, going to Lake Powell. I was stuck here because of work obligations. Payt stayed back, too, but I was aware that I wouldn't see her much because I'll let you guess. Has to do with a boy. Anywho - I spent Friday relaxing and okay, I guess I spent some time at Target (shocker). Saturday was actually very productive. I shopped at Winco (even got stalked by a creepo), planned my church lesson, took a lonnnng nap, got M's package together, *attempted* to do ILP training (for China), got Father's Day gifts together, and some other things I can't remember. It was lovely. And then my grams called me up and invited me to come stay the night since Payt went to Vegas for the night with you know who, Jordan. I really enjoyed the time with my grandparents. I love sleeping at their house and I love even more, waking up at their house. There's nothing better than chatting with your grandparents while eating breakfast. It's like when Mike said something like, "There's nothing better than eating a good breakfast with someone you love." But I miss being young. I'd stay at their house more and grandpa would feed me cereal making sure that I dunked each piece in the milk before taking a bite. I also spent the day with them Father's Day since I was still abandoned and sadly, without a father on fathers day. But it was a lovely day full of eating hot dogs, Sadie the dog choking, and watching Son of God.

Great weekend, actually!! Now, off to pick eat some cherries.

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