
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Feety Pajamas: A Night To Remember

Feety pajamas: clothing in which covers you from neck to toe, zipping from the leg, up to the neck (fuzzy & warm).

Well you may be confused as to why I recited the definition of such an erratic word. However, I have much reason for this. I must tell you about a fun night I had with my dear friends.

It was December 9th, 2011. Madison's birthday. Madi wanted me to come a little early so that she and I could go get our late-present for Natalie. I hurried on over there. We went and got the present. When we went to check out, the lady made us aware of the fact that we had already paid online. We stared at her for a solid five minutes, clutched our gifts, and walked out confused. Madi had never paid online, so we were feeling like thieves for just a brief moment. She then concluded that it must have paid with her mom's card automatically. ANYWAY, that doesn't matter.

As we pulled up to Madi's house, Natalie had just arrived. We ran in the house, being oh-so-not-suspicious. The gifts got tossed into Corbin's arms as Natalie walked in the front door. WOOO. That was a close one. We attempted covering up the fact that we were running around like mad men.

We ate some leftover cake from lunch that day. Natalie and I had made it for her. Well, technically just Natalie. But, so did I. I knew that Corbin was down in the basement frantically wrapping the books. I decided to sneak out. I tip-toed down the stairs to find him hiding in the bathroom, wrapping the gifts. I joined him in the cramped toilet room, and I too, began wrapping the presents. We then ran out of tape and had to use ribbon to wrap the last present.

We were in the middle of wrapping when Madi and Natalie came down and started pounding on the door. I whispered to Corbin to pretend that I was not in there - because that would just be way too awkward. I told him to tell them that he was pooping and wanted his much-needed privacy. He did so and they walked away laughing at the fact, and probably a little suspicious, too. We finished and left the bathroom.

WE WANTED TO GET THIS PARTY STARTED. goodness. So, finally the Chapman train left at about seven. It was Jessi, Corbin, Syd, Madi, Natalie, and myself. We were going to meet Glade at the restaurant. When we got there, we were seated in a somewhat large booth. It was a humorous place, with cactus paintings strewn about the yellow walls. That's okay, the food was good. That dinner was quite the experience. We were all SO loud; I'm sure the employees and other guests wished of our farewell. They all observed that I have a small mouth. It became the entertainment of the night - for me to open my mouth as big as a could. I guess you could say I was the laughing stock of the evening. I have never laughed so hard and loud, I might add, my entire life. Jessi was in tears. What I found funny, because I couldn't see myself, was Madi's impersonation of my "small mouth." It was so gross.

After dinner, we proceeded to the Sheraton downtown. Us three drove separately from the fam. We jammed and chatted on our way there. We got excited when we saw the apple red Sheraton sign in the distance. We knew it would be a fun night, a night that we might cherish for life.

As we stepped through the glass doors of the beautiful hotel, we saw a comfy couch and planted our butts as Jessi checked in. She was being oh so sneaky and we were concerned. We kept our eyes on her, never losing her with her fire red hair. She was easy to spot, like Ariel in The Little Mermaid perched on her rock. She finally got us checked in after about twenty minutes. Good thing since we were all getting restless at the thought of wasted time in the glorious place.

We all trudged up to the hotel room. The room was ammmmazing. The bed was ginormous. We decided to have Madi open her presents. But first, there was a surprise. Jessi reached into my bag and pulled out three gifts - the ones Corbin and I wrapped - and handed them to us. We all opened them. Madi and I pretended not to know. It was Natalie's belated birthday present. It was the book that we made for her and we also got one for each of us. We all looked at it together; it was a tender moment as we sat perched on that hotel room bed. After that, we gave Madi her gifts. I gave her a dumb poem and twenty five dollars to spend at the mall. Then together, Natalie and I gave her a huge, framed poster of us three. She loved it.

We were all ready for the cake and the cake was ready for us. We looked over at it and it was melted all over. (It was and ice cream cake BTW.) We ran to get forks. Then we found some plates in the food room and ate the delightful cake. It tasted of pure heaven.

After eating the cake, being warned of misbehaving over the night, and preparing us for having our own night all alone at the hotel, Madi's family left. We were big boys and no one could stop us. We threw our suits on and went to look for the hot tub. Jessi escorted us down. We went outside - which was the wrong way - and got locked in a fence. It was frigid and we were prancing around trying to get the fence to open. Finally it opened and we ran back into the building. Then, the hot tub was in sight and we ran there. There were some not-so-friendly adults in there and it was awkward. We sat there in somewhat silence until EVENTUALLY they left the room. YAY. We had the hot tub to ourselves. We decided to do our annual "pretend Natalie's deaf" game, hoping someone would come in the hot tub. Someone did and they thought one of us was really deaf. The wife waved to get our attention when she needed to talk to us. We sat there in silence, while signing, for a good ten minutes. They stared at us in awe. Finally we decided it was time to leave. When we got up to the hotel room, we decided to take a bath in our suits. The tub was quite large, however, not large enough. We stayed in there for a LONG time.

When we got out, we put on our feety pajamas (refer to top for definition.) Then, decided to paw around the hotel. We got frightened on the elevator because of a scary movie, Devil. There were lots of mirrors, that's why. We all huddled in the corner screeching for dear life. When we came to an unknown level, we ran to the stairs to find an escape, but then ended up running back. Finally, we made it to the lobby. ALIVE, I might add. No, nothing popped out of the mirrors. We noticed that the desk clerks were suspiciously laughing at us. Well, we thought so anyway. We sat on the couch near them and the fire, and we too, laughed. We moved from place to place on that level, taking sits in various different places. Then we went to a lower level and danced and played follow the leader. I was the leader.

We were getting tired, so we went back up to the room. The bed looked comfy, so we all ended up there. Madi took her stance in the middle. She wanted to take pictures. I wasn't up for it because I was exhausted. They took pictures and also some of me as I slept.

In the AM, we went and ate some breakfast in our personal kitchen. When we got back in the room, we blasted the music and jammed out. We jumped on the bed and opened the screen door for all of downtown to hear and see. We sat on the deck with our legs over the edge. We made videos. Ask and you will see. Madi picked a wedgie even. You won't miss it trust me. We made a disaster and then cleaned it up.

Then, we got ready and went to Gateway. We went to American Eagle and then of course, Forever 21. We all found some lovely things. Then, we realized we were late for the movie we were going to see with her family. We pretty much ran from one end of Gateway to the other. We were dead by the time we got there. But, we made it because they movie we were seeing was having problems. yayayaya. We saw New Year's Eve. Such a cute movie. I would recommend it for you and your dog. As we walked out, they handed us free movie passes because of the technical difficulties. Funny thing is, it actually helped us since we were running late.

Well the fun was almost over. We had work later and we were all out of fun. We drove home with the sweet serenity and the beautiful love songs playing in the background.

Oh, how I love my sparkies. I can honestly say, my friends are better than yours. :)

Priceless moments.

Monday, November 21, 2011

H&M: The Story of My New Hero

Well... I have a new love. It's not the kind of love that you are most probable to be thinking of, but rather the love of might I say, shopping. I know, I know, this isn't the first blog post I have made about this addiction, but the second.

This one is different. This is a story about my new hero. He is a store. His name is H&M.

Well you see, my friend Natalie introduced me to this store that was having a grand-opening! I had no previous ideas about the store; it was new to my ears. When she asked me to sojourn with her to this lovely store, I said I would tag along just because I love shopping.

We arrived at the mall and were amazed to see the H&M 'tourists' as they snapped photos of the beautiful opaque building with the apple red letters that spelled H&M. We laughed at the sight. Parking was another story. Let's just say we parked at the bank. As we approached the clean glass doors of the new building, we got stopped by a security guard whom then led us to a line that wrapped for what seemed like a decade to a couple of shopping fanatics. There was not an option; we didn't even question the length of the line with ourselves nor each other as we stepped in line with the excited 'tourists.' We stood there gawking at the people; they were all fascinating. It was as if someone had grabbed all of the same-dressed ladies and placed them in that specific place at that specific time.

We waited in the horrendously long line for about forty-five minutes just to get in the store! When we got in, the music was so loud. It was a very swift beat that made you want to shop very quick. (I believe that was their goal.) It was driving me bonkers as I sped through the endless clothing racks. I lost Natalie several times and then somehow found her. When were finished, we got our spot in yet ANOTHER LINE. That line lasted about thirty minutes. After trying on clothes, deciding what we wanted to purchase, getting in the check-out line, and paying, we were completely worn out. We got out of there ASAP.

NOW... I know I have said a lot of negative words about my so called "hero"; however, I am not putting down this store. Remind me not, but I did put my title as "The Story of My New Hero."


three hours. Dear new hero, you were worth every second. I love you to pieces.

More on my new hero to come. Don't tune out.

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Light? No Way.

Tonight I had an episode of spitting out my brownie a la mode, after laughing at some absurd remark by someone. We were at Chickfila, attempting to study for an exam tomorrow. SO, Madi freaked out and said "Oh, No!!! Your laptop!" and grabbed an unneccesary amount of napkins as I sat there, thinking it was just drops on the screen. It was "no biggy." I wiped it off, leaving marks to show the evidence. When I got home I decided to clean my laptop with some good ol' windex. I turned the computer off and proceeded to wipe with an old tattered sock from the rag bag. It was much to my surprise when I turned on my laptop, about one week new, and found that there were miraculous lights. There were lights beaming from the mouse touch pad, the Satellite logo, and the touch pad directly above the keyboard. I know that no one cares, nor knows what I am saying, but it was weird. I sat there, staring, for a good two minutes wondering what had happened. Had I just witnessed some kind of light from above, or had I simply wiped a key that turned the light on? I think I'll go with the second option.

That seems more practical.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Crazy Life at the Moment

Don't you just hate when life literally just feels as though it is flying by? Freak, this month has been so crazy that I have hardly had the chance to blog. Currently I should be writing an essay, but, I think I'll procrastinate that for tomorrow. I'd rather be blogging - for no reason at all - anyway.

Why is my life so crazy right now, might you ask?

For one) Math is crazy and I have my final test this WEDNESDAY. yikes. Why am I not doing my math right now? Beats me.
For two) Dance Company has to be doing Sadies stuff in the busiest of all weeks.
For three) I have two essays due tomorrow.
For three) I have to finish reading my long english book by this Thursday, and might I say, that I am only on chapter seven or eight.
For four) Deciding where to go to college and how to even get there.
For five) I'm blogging right now, not doing my homework.
For six) I am almost an adult. Like, really.

okay, I think I got everything for now.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I had to write this poem for my writing class, so I decided to put it on here.

I Am poem
I am from an imagination-filled sandbox,
from floral dresses and ninnyhammers.
I am from the achievement-covered fridge
and the dust atop the untouched piano.
I am from the un-watered plants in the kitchen,
whose dead leaves fall, shriveled and uncared for.

I am from holiday decals and empty band aid boxes,
from Decatur and Marguerite.
I am from old-fashioned chivalry and decadent smirks,
from egotistical food-grabs and smart remarks.

I am from thought-out prayers,
rice pudding and best cake,
fresh out of the oven.
I am from the sound of a child being struck by a car,
and from a sweet mother,
killed in a fatal accident.

In the dark of the cold basement,
was a dress-up box filled with memories,
costumes, that I then, wiggled on my small child body.
I am from the moments abiding in laughter-filled rooms,
aside that dusty, untouched piano.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Children are literally so great. They are so carefree and wonderful to be around. I know, and have known for a while now that I want to go into the field of elementary education. I decided this some time ago.

Recently I have been helping in the preschool at my high school. This has made me so excited to become a teacher. Little kids are so great. Who would want to spend their day with boring adults when you can be with loving little children. They love you no matter what. They make your day great, even if it has started out bad. I really can't wait to have a class of my own.

so exciting.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Just Had to Blog Post

So, I guess I could say that I haven't written on here for a while. Okay, so maybe it hasn't been that long. But still, I have some updates. So, here goes. The electronics in my life have not been cooperating. My phone semi-died last Thursday. I have no idea what happened. I just took it out of my pocket and there were lines all over it, as if it had been dropped. I swear, I didn't do anything. Long story short, I took it in and they can't replace it. Madi, my kind and giving friend, is letting me have her old phone because of the fact that she is getting a new one. Relief!

Next, my two week old (TWO WEEK OLD) laptop froze up on me last week. LONG STORY SHORT... they were going to fix it and make me wait two months. Then my dear mother called to complain and they gave in (might I add that she always gets her way) and said it was the mother board and that I could just get a whole different laptop. I decided to go with a different brand and everything. Relief, also! Thank you, Best Buy. Oh, and thank you, mother!

Those are my electronic issues for the week. Now that they are solved, I MUST move on to something more important. Farcical, I know. It's called math. That four letter word that some people refuse to mutter. That word that people refuse to think is going to "help them out a lot in life."

I must say, I used to have a little niche in the math world, until, I got into a thing called college math. Then, it just became evil and daunting in so many ways.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Scariest Thing Happened

Last night. It was my mom, Ash, Patty, and I. We were driving over to my grandparents' house. As we were driving, we saw a shadow of someone walking in the road, not too far ahead of us. We slowed down, being cautious not to hit him. As we got close to him, we could tell that he was VERY drunk. He could hardly walk across the street. We sat there watching him make his was to the other side, which took him some time. Then we noticed that there was a car coming on the right-hand side of the road, right towards the man who was currently stopped in the road. The car got closer, and you could tell that they couldn't see the man, as it was very dark. They were going to hit him! We braced ourselves as we watched this horrific scene. My mom and I looked away right as the man was hit. When we looked up, the man was lying on the ground. He had wet his pants. The man started to move and get up. Right as he got up, the lady in the car drove away, drove away! We had no idea what to do. We started to drive away. Ashley and Patrick were freaking out and crying. They didn't want to help him for whatever reason. I guess they were just scared because he was drunk. As we got farther, I just couldn't live with myself for not helping the man. I insisted that we go back. We drove back as we looked for him. We found him and just pulled over close to where he was walking. He started to go back into the road. He got really close to the right-hand turn lane and then fell right down on the road. He couldn't get up. My mom quickly called the police, told them where we were and they came. The got the man and looked him over. They had to ask us about all that we had witnessed. Then, they told us we could leave. It was really sad and scary. I feel better that we went to help him.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Math: The Epitome of my Death

No, really, I am pretty good when it comes to math. Like last year, I did great. However, I had an amazing teacher. Then I came upon this thing called a COLLEGE class (yes, I said it), in which that involves math (of course); I am not doing so hot. I'd like to say that I understand everything and that I will pass this class with an A plus, but, that would probably be considered lying. I'm not really one that likes to lie. So, here I am, telling the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Okay, so today I got a pretty good score on my test that we recently took. THAT gave me hope, right there.

I'm mostly just worried because they (all those people that say it, really there's only a couple) said it would only get harder. I can't fail. I won't fail.

Well, now that I got all that stress out, I should probably go do that one thing.


math: the epitome of my death (and yours too)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Addict in my own Mind

I swear, I have an addiction. It's a good one, though, trust me. It's called shopping. I am a freaking shopaholic. I'm not even joking. Moreover, I love shopping. What can I say?

I say to myself... "I'm just going to look."

However, do I stick to what I tell myself? No

It goes like this.

(Me in the store)

In my head...

"OMG this is so cute."

"Yeah, but do you really need MORE CLOTHES?"

"Of course I do, I love this."

"You need to save your money though. "

"Yeah yeah yeah"

and then can you guess what happens next??


Yip freakin E!

New clothes, yet, less money.

"Oh well. I promise I won't by ANY more clothes. :)"

(Me walking away happily, with my new clothes.)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm a Complete Cow

OKAY so not literally. BUT I got to be one today, at Chickfila. Yipes. It was fun, yet very sweaty and gross inside, I must say. I had to dance around, which was fun? yeah, I guess so. Then, Alex had me put away the cow suit in the very back room. I went back there, put it away, and then learned that I had locked myself back there. Maybe someone could have told me it was an AUTOMATIC LOCK. My goodness, I was back there for maybe ten minutes. I was banging on the door, hoping someone would come to my rescue. There was another door, but if I went out that, it would set off an alarm. I had NO idea what to do. Finally, Courtney came and opened the door. It was quite embarrassing, although she said she had done it before too.

Interesting night at good ol' Chickfila.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love My Best Friends

                       the boice

our endless hours of fun, yet absolutely nothing

they love me as much as a fat man loves chocolate cake

they are beautiful,
inside and out

noodle dinners

late night talks about anything and everything (aka. campfires at night, in the corner of the room)

that i can trust them with anything

that i can joke with them and they can take it (some times)

we know each other so well, maybe even more than we should

we are complete idiots (only most of the time though)

I really could not live without them.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Now Employed

I can now say
that I finally got the job.
Freak, it's been months.
no need to worry though, cause I got the job.
Today, I did.
Chickfila, here I come!


frolic: merry play; merriment; fun.


around like a child.

Then, I write.

Call me crazy.

Call Me a Quotist

okay, so maybe quotist isn't even a word. whatever it means, that's what i am.

because i wrote this

"If you feel blue, look to the sky, and you'll feel less blue."


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Craziest Night This Summer

So it was a Thursday, the 11th of August. Madi, Natalie, and I wanted to hang out. Then, Tay wanted to have a sleepover, so we invited her to come join us, too. We originally wanted to go to raging waters with our passes, then the drive-in, but that didn't happen. Then we sat there, not knowing what to do. It became late and Natalie and Taylor wanted to watch SYTYCD. Madi and I didn't want to because we hadn't been watching it all season and weren't all that interested. We decided to go outside and plank the car instead. As we proceeded to plank the car for a whole five minutes (yes, it was literally that long), we decided it was a boring activity to do while waiting. We then started singing on the rear of her car. We sang many songs, usually only the chorus though because that was all we knew. We then decided to sing some girl's camp songs. It was very entertaining. Once we got bored with that, we went in to see if they wanted to get ice cream. They accepted our request, as they probably knew we were bored. We all got in Madi's car. Taylor, being the kind one she is (haha), suggested that we invite Cadee. We all agreed, and I called her. She was happy and said she wanted to come. We went and picked her up. Jordan Landing was our next destination. When we got there, we realized it was almost ten, and that everything would soon be closing. We ran to Coldstone and made it just in time. We walked around after we got our ice cream and then decided to sit in front of the movie theater. We had been sitting there for a while when several guys from our school walked up. One of them, Mason, was someone that Cadee secretly had liked, although she has a boyfriend. She got all giddy and went and talked to him. The rest of us sat there discussing how we didn't think Mason was even cute and that he looked somewhat like an ape. Right as we were saying that, Cadee walked back over and said "oh, Mason is sooo cute." We all cracked up thinking about how we had just been thinking otherwise. They went in the movie and we just sat there talking for a while. I soon learned that I had to go to the bathroom (what a surprise); we had to find one immediately. We chose Wally World (aka. Walmart) as our pit stop. Acquiring that the bathrooms reeked of foul odor, we were in and out of there. Back to the car it was, and back to the movie theater to wait for Mason to come out. As we sat there, we realized it was going to be dumb that we were sitting there waiting for them. A new plan was in the making. We paced around, realizing that it was about time for them to come out. We figured out that they would come out a certain door, so went and stood over there. In the meantime, we planked. That is always an awesome fall-back activity when there is absolutely nothing else to do. The garbage can would be a great thing to plank, so what the heck! I hopped on, and as i sat there, a car came around the corner yelling some foul thing at us because of their disliking of planking. I immediately got down. They came around again and threw a full can of sprite at us. What the heck!

some people these days


Anyway... we waited, and waited some more. Then, they finally came out, although they came out the wrong door. We saw them looking back at us, probably saying something. We were all like "RUN!" We ran to the car, jumped in, and zoomed over to where they were parked. We got there just in time as they were pulling out of the parking lot. We quickly got behind them and started following them really close. We somewhat lost them, but then found them. Once we were almost home, we got right next to them. Taylor yelled "FLASH THEM!" Madi, being the pure child that she is, started flashing her blinkers. (hahahahahah.) Then, Taylor was like "noooo!!" Cadee and Taylor decided to moon them. Sure enough, they did! Then, when we got to our neighborhood, they followed us. They followed us all over. Then, we somehow got behind them. They came to a stop. Taylor and Cadee got on TOP OF THE CAR and right as they did, a big, hairy butt came out the sun roof of their car, with legs kicking about in the air.

Most DISGUSTING sight, I'll say. To whom that butt belonged to, I do not know.

Later, we stayed up 'til who knows when, talking about numerous subjects.
Fun, Crazy, Hairy night. ha

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I Love JP

I love watching the bachelorette/bachelor. It always entertains me and gives me something to look forward to. Last night, August 1, was the finale. JP won! He was my pick and I'm so glad he won. They are so cute together. The runner up, was Ben. I liked him too, he just wasn't the one for her. Can't wait for next season!

Concert Squared

This summer has been awesome. Not just because of the late night talks, saran wrapping of cars, hiding under blankets when scared while Natalie loudly wraps the car, TP-ing, planking races, rafting/air mattressing, lakes/ponds/dirty water, cops, friends, family, dance in the am, getting revenge on men with the name I will not mention, but also because of the two awesome concerts I went to. I went to each with my fantastic friend, Madison Noel Chapman. The first one, was He Is We. That was in June. I love them, they have been one of my favorites for quite some time now. They were awesome. The bands before the show were not very entertaining, to say the least; however, it was well worth the wait. I love them! The second concert I went to was the live American Idol tour, in July. The top eleven performed a various variety of music, which made for a very awesome show. There were solo, duets, trios, and large groups. My favorite throughout this past season, was Haley Reinhart. She is amazing, with a very original-sounding voice. She never failed to amaze me. I also loved James Durbin. He was so great and always did different things with his performances, which was very fun to watch. He was definitely an audience favorite. The winner was Scotty Mccreery. He wasn't my favorite and I preferred that he wouldn't win, but he did. He is starting to grow on me now, especially after seeing him live. Anyway, it was fun!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Epitome of Shocking

This is something important, I thought I should blog about. Back in March of this year, I was in dance company class. We were voting for people to be nominated Jr. Prom King and Queen. We nominated a boy, Philip. As tradition we nominate someone on dance co. for the girl. It was between all the junior girls of course. We voted once and it was down to Ally, Cadee, and I. I was surprised enough to have gotten that far. Then, we voted again, and they picked me! I was so shocked, yet happy. I was sure I wouldn't even get into the top three, but was just happy to be nominated by my teammates. That week went on, and on Thursday we were back in dance class. An SBO came in to deliver a note. It was for me. On the paper it said "Please wear Sunday best for the assembly tomorrow." That meant that I had gotten something! I was so excited. Then, the next day we performed and after that, they were announcing it. Taylor H. was helping me hurry and get dressed as someone ran in the room and said "They just announced it!" So, I just left my costume on and ran out there. I had gotten Prom Princess. It was a pleasant surprise. Something I thought would never happen to me. Ever.

Senior Ball

This year, in May, we had Senior Ball for our school. I asked a guy that I had met at EFY the summer before. I put a tub of butter on his porch that said "Dig In" on top. He had to dig through the butter and find a paper that said "Now that I've got you all buttered up, wanna go to Sr. Ball?" and then, he had to dig even farther to find all of the letters of my name scattered around in the butter. ha. He answered me by putting a container of jam on my porch that said "Now it's your turn to dig in on top" and then I dug in and it said "Now that you've got me all buttered up, I'll jam with you at sr. ball." I went with some close friends - Madi, Natalie, Madeline, Chelsea, Taylor, and Bekah. Our dates were Ethan, Kris, Nick, Nathan, Anthony, Kendal, and I went with a guy, also named Nick. For our day activity, we went to the mall and had a scavenger hunt. It was fun! The team I was on won. They other team tried to cheat! ha. Then, we took the men home and got ready. We picked them back up and got pictures with our parents. Then, we went downtown to have our pictures professionally taken by Madi's aunt, Tia. They turned out awesome. Then, we went to the Spaghetti Factory. The food was great and it was fun to just sit and talk to everyone. Everyone was crazy. It was really hard to go to the bathroom in our huge dresses, though. Taylor and Natalie squeezed into the stall with me as we helped each other go to the bathroom. That was funny, saying the least. We then went to the dance. It was at the Rice Eccles Tower. It was so fun! We all danced together and acted like idiots. Then, we took the men home and had a fire! It was a fun day. One that will be remembered.

Private Property: Who Knew

I was back from girl's camp. I was ready for an adventure. Natalie, Madi, Jennie, Thomas, Will, and I decided we would go river raft down a small river. We didn't know if it was okay, so we did anyway. We parked in the Discover Bank parking lot. Stupid, I know. It was closest to the river though, so we just did it anyway. We then blew up our raft. In the distance, we could see what looked like a work party going on. It didn't phase us. We hid our bags and such in the bushes, then jumped in the water. One paddle was short and caused us to be slow. As we paddled across the pond in our tightly packed raft, I splashed everyone to stir up the moment. Later, we found out we were in canal water; luckily we hadn't swam in it. We finally reached the other side where the river began. We were just barely out of the pond and into the river part, when we saw a cop. We all panicked like children as he waved his hand and said "come over here!" We paddled over, whispering to each other on the way, saying saying things along the line of "we aren't eighteen, so we can't possibly get in too much trouble" and, Madi - "I'm seventeen!" and, Me - "Yeah but you're not eighteen" and, Madi - "oh" and, "Let's just say we didn't know, cause we really didn't" and "I'm so scared!!" We reached the side where he was standing. He asked us where we had taken off and we all pointed "over there!" He was like "Could you be a little more specific?" We said "right by that bench!" "You do know this is private property? Right?" he replied. We were like "no, we didn't know that." Then he said "I don't care that you guys are in there, just be safe. Do you have life jackets?" We were like "no". Thomas said "But we are all really good swimmers" and Natalie was like "We have these!" as she held up the small blowup pillows. He rolled his eyes and said "If anyone asks, you took off at the golf course. There are paramedics over there if anything happens." We then paddled on to find a bridge to go under. It was small and had cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. As we went under, screaming of course, Thomas scraped them off with the paddle. Madi supposedly had a spider right by her face. (I didn't really believe it.) hahah. Then we paddled past these two men fishing. They were talking to us about fishing. Then, Natalie was like "when you catch some fish, you can bring it to us." He said "It's been weeks since I've ran on water!" He was hilarious. We decided to get out of the raft after that. We couldn't go back through to the private property, so we got out there. Madi, Natalie, and I walked back (all the way around the freaking building) to get the car and stuff in the bushes. We had no shoes on and our feet were scorching hot. We walked FOREVER, and when we finally got there.. we couldn't find everyone's stuff. We looked in all the weeds and finally found Jennie and Will's stuff. It was in these sting-your-skin weeds. Madi and I went through screeching. Then we dropped the stuff and I'm not going to say what happens next. It's obvious for some. We got the car. That adventure was fun, but also over. What a day!