
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Twenty One

I am so happy to finally announce that month twenty one is DONE. It will never come back again. This month actually went by pretty fast. I think so anyway! Faster than any of the other months. Mike got a new companion this month, Elder Arrington. Elder Arrington has been out for about six months I believe. Mike had a rough patch when him and Elder Clarke had to go their own ways. They really went well together and I know that he learned a lot from him. There was one week where he was being very hard on himself. Then, the next week, things were a lot better. He was back to feeling like himself again. I was very relieved as I had been pretty worried about him. He let me know that he has been praying and jotting down notes about making a Preach My Gospel Member Edition. I think it would be pretty awesome if he was able to do that. Mike has been talking a whole lot about marriage this month and how he can't wait. We have created such a great relationship through this process. It is different, but good. We started a new thing this month. We are each sharing a memory with one another in our email each week. I know that it is something that I look forward to, as I'm sure he does also. You can read those memories in the Memory Lane tab of my blog. This has helped us to connect so well with each other and look at all of our wonderful times together. We are still playing tic tac toe and so far we have finished one game, which neither or us won. We are almost through our second game. Davis did comment the either day that you can only win tic tac toe if the other person is an idiot. So, I don't think either of us will ever win. Especially since we have a whole week to ponder our next more. Lol. Anyway, it has been a good good month. Very good emails from Mike. I love him so much. School and work are good for me. I only have a month left of school! I am working on applying to UVU for fall semester. I have also been spending a lot of time with my family and friends. I got a NutriBullet the other day. I am in love with it. I also purchased a MacBook Pro. I am on it right now. I am also in love with it. OH, and I got two tattoos this month. Yeah, it's been a pretty big month. There's just a little update for me. Another thing that happened this month was that we hit 100 days! That was back on October 10th.

Now, for my monthly memory. I was just thinking about this today. It was so funny the day that I took Mike on his surprise date to Ensign Peak in the early morning. I went to pick him up and he took forever to come out. He said that he had fallen asleep and that he didn't set his alarm. He finally comes trotting out after like ten minutes. Then he gets in. I put the blind fold on him, which he was not happy about. I remember him being mad since I was making him wear that. When I got downtown, I got a bit lost and could not find Ensign Peak. He kept asking me if I needed help finding it. At that point, he pretty much knew where we were going. It was all hilarious, just how mad he was. When we finally made it, it was still dark. He was really scared. I have no idea why. This was not our first time up there in the dark. He was SO mad. He was just groggy and cold and scared. This whole time I am just cracking up. He did manage to hold my hand and lighten up through all of his anger. When we got to the top and he saw what I had arranged, he was very happy. He is hilarious. We still look back on that memory and crack up to this day.

I am so happy to say four months down, twenty to go! We are almost down to the teens! We can do this. Our relationship is only growing. Here soon, we will get to Skype for Christmas.

I love my boy.

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