
Friday, November 1, 2013

Chapter Two: Cherished

People always say that time goes fast and I really do agree. But I had never experienced more of a fast-forwarding of my life than I did for the two months Mike and I had together right before he departed from my life. I literally could not think. I felt like I was in some kind of sea storm, being tossed every which way. Time did not give me a break at all, a break that I so desperately needed and desired. I guess now you could say that I do have some time where I can sit down and rehash all of the good times that were shared in our last two months. That is where we get chapter two of our story. It is entitled Cherished and I am excited to share it.

Wow. I really look back at the whole school year that Mike and I went through. It went by pretty fast, but I was so glad to have him home in late April of 2013. We were immediately together every second that we could get. After all, we had to make up for lost time. We went to dinner, movies, hung out with friends, argued, talked and talked, cried, laughed, went to the park to swing, hung out with our families, went to farewells, rehashed old memories, kissed, and just simply cherished every moment. It was such a relief, but I always knew that our “see you later” was soon to come. That was always hanging over my head and to say I was an emotional wreck is probably an understatement. Mike can tell you about that. We had a rough patch in late May. I know that I had been emotionally draining him and I and it caused a lot of tension. We were fighting about several things and we were both just very sensitive about what we were about to encounter. I didn’t realize that my behavior was causing our relationship to suffer. It was a trial for the both of us and I am glad we made it out. I remember the night we fought it all out, his dad came in and talked to us and made us feel a lot better. Just a couple minutes before, we had said a prayer. I can still hear Mike’s voice shaking as he whispered that short prayer. We asked for comfort and help through our trials. That really strengthened us. I know that his dad was an answer to our prayer. We needed him at that point. His dad even started to cry when he saw how much hurt and pain was in our eyes. I knew that I belonged in that family. I already felt like such a big part of it. We had dinner later on that night with the family and I felt so happy after Mike and I had mended things. I remember leaving for a little while after dinner so Mike could go hang out with Colton for a couple of hours. Mike came and met Madi and me at Culver’s after. Oh, I was so happy to see him. I remember him walking in, just feeling so much love for him. I was so excited to have him next to me. I guess that’s the feeling you have after a big fight. That was really our biggest fight we had been in.

We spent most of June with our families. We went on a big trip with his family to Wyoming. I really enjoyed the time with them there. I am so grateful for them in letting me come along. We visited the Tetons, Yellowstone, had dinner in a teepee, went to Bar J’s Chuckwagon, drove a lot, slept, and went river rafting. It was a wonderful time with the Peters. Erika and I shared a room and Mike, Jorjann, and Tim were in a room. Mike would come over and hang out with us when Tim and Jorjann were going to bed. On our last night there, we all three cried like babies in our room. We had realized that Mike only had fourteen days left. It was really beginning to hit me. I wanted time to just stop more than anything. Erika and I ended up staying up really late that night just talking about everything. I really love her so much. When we returned, we went on a small trip to Manti with my family. It was such a good time. It was Mike’s first time seeing the Manti Pageant. I loved spending the entire week with him. He really is part of our family and everyone loves him. I am so thankful for that. Mike and I really are so lucky to have such supportive families. They would support us no matter what. That is really all I could ask for. We even went to dinner with our two families to the Spaghetti Factory a few nights before he left. I really enjoyed the time spent with everyone.

During June, we also spent a lot of nights with our friends. We went over to the Fassio neighborhood to play "kick the can" with all of our friends. That was really fun for everyone. Although we spent a lot of time with our families and friends, we made time to just be alone also. It was much needed and those were the times that we really cherished and enjoyed the most. Some of our best memories are just from us being us, alone, focusing on one another and our relationship. I loved when we would just lie there and hold each other and talk for hours about everything. I loved when we would talk about our future together when he would return. Those times were so special and we really became closer than ever.

I pretty much had a panic attack during his last ten days. I up and quit my job and no, I did not leave Chickfila on a good note. I just started to think about how I was planning on getting a new job anyway and how much I really hated it there. I had this boy who was about to leave and I was spending so much time working when I could have been with him. So, that lead me to my decision to leave there. No, it was not pretty. They did not understand and were not supportive. I guess they wouldn't be. I am very happy with my decison because those last ten days were some of the best days of my life. They involved a lot of emotions from the both of us, but we really loved each other more than ever during that time. We cherished every, and I mean EVERY second. Loving each other was all we could do. The mission was coming whether we liked it or not. Mike even expressed to me that he was dreading it at that point. That made it harder for me, just to know that he was struggling. Honestly, I did not want him to go at all. I was a mess. 

So, I did already make a post on the last few days and the goodbye and you can read that here.

These two months were pretty much the best. Even with all of tears and hard times, that is what made it the two best months ever. Mike and I really got closer than I thought possible. I loved these times with him. Maybe it was because of the way he always looked at me with so much love, the way he held me when I cried my heart out, the way he kissed me slowly, the way he hugged me and never wanted to let go, or maybe it was the way he held my hand, or it was that adorable mole on his middle finger - all I know, is something makes me crazy about him. Something, just something about him is absolutely perfect for me. I could never imagine my life without him now.

There is something so miraculous about distance. Being away from him the majority of the school year has caused our love to grow even more for each other. Perhaps we just realize how much we love each other. If we were constantly together we wouldn't know any different. I remember a couple days after he returned after the school year, we just relaxed at his house all day. We loved to just spend good solid time together. It was wonderful. Later that night, we were very bored and decided to try geo cashing. Let's just say that we didn't find anything, but it was so fun. I always want to go back to that day. I loved the day when we cleaned the toilet and then we got done and just lay in the tub next to the toilet. I marvel at the time that we shared. We have so many memories to hold on to.

I remember us packing for his mission one night. I had looked up a good way to fold his shirts so that they wouldn't wrinkle. He was on one side of the bed, me on the other. I remember I would be folding them and I would look up and he would just be looking at me. I love the way he looks at me. It was hard for me to walk in his room for that last month because all I would see was suitcases and that meant that the time was coming.

I will never forget the feeling when we said goodbye. My heart was ripped from where it was placed as I drove away, watching him walk back to his door. He didn't turn around. I didn't see his face again after that. Perhaps it was because he couldn't control the crying and didn't want to look back again. I don't know. All I know is that was it. I remember burying my face in his shirt that he had given me as we drove home. I craved him already. Two years. That's how long I would wait. So, that was it. And that's chapter two.

“The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” 
Marilyn Monroe

Chapter three will be coming. It will not come about until the end of this two year journey. But watch out for it when the time comes. Perhaps I will write write chapter three on the night before he returns.

Watch out for Chapter Three: 17531.6 Hours

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